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Welcome to the Insightz Podcast. My name is Zameer Kurji, and it is my intention to shine light on the illuminated ones, giving you an intimate window into the lives of the brightest minds and hearts of our generation, from non-dual teachers & coaches, to metaphysical masters, and creators of all kinds. My hope is to provide a discovery platform and conduit for Seekers across the world to plug into and connect with paradigm-shifters from all walks of lives.
Episode 1
Cory Katuna & Zameer Kurji
During this episode, Zameer Kurji interviews Cory Katuna of Bentinho Massaro's team. This episode sets the tone perfectly for what The InsightZ Podcast aims to bring to the table through introducing Cory's honesty and showcasing a powerful combination of the truth, sincerity, honor, & joy behind this fellow seeker/teacher.
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